Email Lynn at [email protected] to be put on the Eco Team email list. You’ll receive information about the session location and other tidbits. The Eco Team is absolutely a lot of fun and a terrific way to help across multiple reservations. We remove invasive plants, reintroduce natives as needed, and learn various mechanical methods to help the landscape. Our season […]

Containing the burning bush

And now for an update:  On November 17th, a hardy group of seven of the AVIS Weed Warriors worked all along the path at Indian Ridge to begin to reign in the burning bush that is encroaching. One team member removed and bagged berries on branches that were cut so that they would not start a new crop of this […]

The burning bush invades

On Monday November 8th, my mentors and I went out scavenging to find an invasive species called winged euonymus. This species is also known as burning bush. On our walk through the Indian Ridge Reservation, we found over 30 burning bushes with the help of ones already marked off with a pink ribbon by one of AVIS’ rangers. When we […]