Hello nature lovers!

Hello everyone! My name is Amber Ferris, I am a senior at Andover High School working as an environmental sustainability intern. This is a new nature blog for the AVIS Reservations. I am hoping this blog will inspire others to get out and see the beautiful reservations, and the nature within them. After reading these blog posts, I hope you are able to go out on the trails and start looking at them with new eyes! My main focus on this blog will be about the plant life around the trails. I want to start learning and educating others about native plants and invasive species in these reservations. While on this journey I aim for more people, including myself, to be able to learn, and become more aware about what is surrounding the AVIS trails.
You Rock! I’m excited about you helping to get out the word on native plants and invasive species.
Great blog,
I hope you will write about the reservations on the Town’s 375th challenge list and encourage others to check them out.
Thanks, Susan
Welcome, Amber, and thank you for launching this blog! On behalf of the AVIS Trustees, we are grateful for your efforts and can’t wait to learn from your posts!