Goldsmith Woodlands All Persons Trail Project
In June 2024, AVIS was awarded a $100,000 MassTrails Grant to construct an All Persons Trail at the Goldsmith Woodlands Reservation. We are excited to launch this important initiative! Please visit this page for project facts and updates as the project progresses and visit avisandover.org/join to help make the project the best it can be.
Why an All Persons Trail?
AVIS has miles of woodland trails, none of which are accessible to people of all abilities. We understand how important it is for people to spend time in nature, yet many people with disabilities, especially mobility challenges, cannot access this benefit in Andover. Ensuring universal access to the physical and mental health benefits of nature is a top priority.
Why Goldsmith?
- Goldsmith is AVIS’s most visited reservation, attracting approximately 100 visitors a day, depending on the weather. It is easily accessed from Rte 28 and conveniently located near the junction with Rte 125.
- The flat grade of the trail makes it well-suited to meet Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines (FSTAG)
- Foster’s Pond provides a beautiful destination at the end of the proposed trail
Project Facts
- Trail will run from the parking area at 491 South Main Street to Bessie’s Point, approximately 4,000 linear feet
- Trail to be built to Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines (FSTAG), currently the standard for accessible woodland trails. The surface material will be crushed stone
- Construction by the Appalachian Mountain Club professional trail crew to begin in 2025
- Project will include enhanced, ADA compliant parking area with improved circulation
Project Costs
- Trail construction will cost an estimated $300,000
- Parking improvements will cost approximately $750,000
Why is Parking a part of this project?
Parking improvements are needed for three reasons:
- In the 20 years since the parking was approved by the Conservation Commission, stormwater run off and snowplowing has encroached upon the adjacent wetlands. In addition, because the parking area is quite small and narrow, as the wetland boundary has become less visible visitors have pulled further and further into the wetlands. AVIS needs to mitigate this violation of the Town wetlands bylaw.
- The current parking lot only accommodates approximately 8 cars. Visitors to Goldsmith therefore routinely park along Route 28, creating unsafe conditions.
- We need to create ADA compliant parking for people of all abilities.
Cost Drivers: Trail
A typical AVIS trail through the woods is six feet wide, probably has some roots and rocks, and is built mostly by clearing away the vegetation with loppers and saws. To meet FSTAG standards, the APT requires much more work to keep the grade below 8.3% and as much as possible at 5% or less. The proposed trail will follow a combination of historic wood roads, with most of it falling below a 5% slope. However, the steepest areas of the proposed trail are located in areas where it crosses a series of glacial eskers that exceed the FSTAG grade requirements. The elevation at these high points will need to be reduced. Moreover, the base under the trail needs preparation, to minimize stormwater erosion and maintain a firm, level, stable surface. Construction requires more knowledge, skill and equipment than is required to build a typical AVIS trail in the woods.
Cost Drivers: Parking
- The largest item in the budget is masonry for a necessary retaining wall
- AVIS must comply with regulations related to the state highway, as well as the drainage under the highway.
- AVIS will need to replicate the wetlands impacted by both the current and planned parking
- AVIS will need to move existing utility connections
Project Funding
- In June 2024, AVIS was awarded a $100,000 MassTrails Grant
- Since June, AVIS has received $150,000 in additional funding from foundations
How Can You Help?
AVIS expects to spend a significant portion of its unrestricted funds to complete this project, but that alone will not be enough. Please consider a gift so everyone can access at least one AVIS reservation. Visit avisandover.org/join to donate today.

It’s wonderful that Avis is making such a commitment to improve access to the trail for a variety of visitors.
Thank you Annie and Lynn, for putting this info in a visible location. Susan