Eco Team


Email Lynn at [email protected] to be put on the Eco Team email list. You’ll receive information about the session location and other tidbits.

The Eco Team is absolutely a lot of fun and a terrific way to help across multiple reservations. We remove invasive plants, reintroduce natives as needed, and learn various mechanical methods to help the landscape.

Our season is from the end of March through November. We meet approximately every other Saturday morning and a few Sundays. We are gathering interest in holding some mid-week sessions. Eco Team is a terrific way for students to fulfill their school community service hours.

Why do we ask you to sign up ahead of time?
We need to gather enough tools and other supplies to support the group, and Amy needs to know how many muffins to make! 

Please practice good woods hygiene.
Wear long pants, long sleeves, and sturdy footwear. Bring water. Gloves you know fit well are handy if you have them. No worries if you don’t. We have extras to share. Spray your clothing with repellant before setting out on the trail. 

Can’t tell a Buckthorn (Boo) from a Black Cherry (Yeah)?
We’ll teach you! We’ll help you learn to identify our invasive and native plants.

Everyone must sign an AVIS consent form for the season.
A parent or guardian must sign for anyone under 18. Under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. We will have extra copies to fill out on location.

The full tentative schedule will be added below.
Please mark the dates in your calendars. The location will be sent to the email list during the week before the session.

DateDay & Time
March 29Saturday 8:30-11:00
April 12Saturday 8:30-11:00
April 26Saturday 8:30-11:00
May 10Saturday 8:30-11:00
May 24Saturday 8:30-11:00
June 7Saturday 8:30-11:00
June 21Saturday 8:30-11:00
June 29SUNDAY 1:00-3:30
July 6SUNDAY 1:00-3:30
July 19Saturday 8:30-11:00
August 2Saturday 8:30-11:00
August 16Saturday 8:30-11:00
August 30Saturday 8:30-11:00
September 13Saturday 8:30-11:00
September 20Saturday 10:00-4:00
September 27Saturday 8:30-11:00
October 11Saturday 8:30-11:00
October 19SUNDAY 1:00-3:30
November 1Saturday 8:30-11:00
November 15Saturday 8:30-11:00
November 29Saturday 8:30-11:00

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